BRC Constitution

1. Name

The name of the Club shall be the ‘Brisbane Rockclimbing Club’.

2. Objectives

  • To provide a forum for rock climbers to meet other rock climbers

  • To encourage and foster safe climbing practices but not to provide formal training, instruction or insurance.

  • To motivate rock climbers and share the benefits of experience

  • To abide by and assist in maintaining conservation laws and create interest and preservation of natural beauty and wildlife

  • To offer information on rock climbing areas

  • The Club is for social interaction with other climbers with an emphasis on informality and fun.

3. Membership

Membership shall be open to all persons over 18 years of age, subscribing to the objectives of the Club and paying the prescribed subscription. The committee shall have the right to refuse membership to any person.

Members are expected to be competent and safe belayers and are required to provide their own basic climbing equipment (a minimum of harness, shoes and belay device but also a top-rope setup if attending Tuesday night climbing).

Application for membership shall be made on the prescribed form (flier) and subscription fees paid to a Committee member. Visitors are restricted to one Club event, after which they will be expected to become members and pay the subscription fee.

A member may resign from the Club by notifying the Secretary in writing and upon receipt of that letter, he or she shall cease to be a member of the Club.

At any Annual General Meeting of the Club, a Life Member or Members, on the nomination of the Committee, can be elected, such election to be on account of some special service or services rendered to the Club. A Life Member shall be entitled to attend and vote at all general meetings of the Club and shall have other such privileges as may be decided upon from time to time by the Committee.

4. Management Committee

At the Annual General Meeting of the Club, a committee comprising the following shall be elected: President, Secretary, and Treasurer and at least 2 Committee Members.

The Committee shall hold office until the next Annual General Meeting to that at which it was elected. Each member of the Committee shall be eligible for re-election. The Committee shall control and manage the business and affairs of the Club subject to this constitution.

5. Meetings

The Annual General Meeting shall be held in December of each year. At least fourteen (14) days’ notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be given to each member by email to the member’s last known email address, however accidental omission to give notice shall not invalidate the meeting. The notice must state the time, date and place of the meeting.

The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be:

  • To receive the Annual Report, Statement of Accounts and fee membership structure for the following year

  • To elect a Committee for the ensuing year

  • To consider motions of which due notice has been given or which any member, with the permission of the meeting, may introduce

  • To dispose of any other matter which may be, consistent with the constitution, introduced at such a meeting

At the Annual General Meeting the President, if present, shall chair the meeting. If the President is absent at the time the meeting is due to start, the members shall elect a person to chair the meeting from those members present.

Nominations for office bearers may be made before or at the Annual General Meeting.

Any elections required shall be by a show of hands. Any equality in voting shall be resolved in favour of the retiring candidate (if any) or otherwise by ballot.

Each member personally present at any meeting shall have one vote and, in the event of an equality of voting on any matter, the Chairperson of the Meeting shall have a second or casting vote, as well as the first or deliberative vote. All voting may be by show of hands.

A Special General Meeting may be called by the Committee at any time and shall be called upon receipt by the Secretary of a requisition stating therein the object of such a meeting. The Committee shall, on the requisition in writing of members representing not less than 10% of the total number of financial members, convene a Special General Meeting of the Club.

Such meetings shall be called within fourteen (14) days of receipt of such requisition and not less than seven (7) days’ notice shall be sent to all Club members.

The Committee shall meet at least 3 times each year. All members are welcome to attend and participate in committee meetings but shall not participate in decisions. Interested members must request an invitation from the Secretary.

The quorum for Committee meetings shall be one-third of the Committee and for General Meetings the quorum shall be one-sixth of the financial members of the Club.

The Secretary will keep minutes of the resolutions and proceedings of the general and committee meetings.

6. Subscriptions

The subscription fees shall be set by the Committee at the last Committee Meeting prior to the Annual General Meeting.

Subscriptions shall be due on the 28th of February of each year provided that the aforesaid date is advertised to all members.

Once a subscription has been paid, that person is deemed to be a member of the Brisbane Rockclimbing Club for that calendar year.

Differential subscriptions may be levied at the discretion of the Committee.

A member shall not be deemed to be un-financial until the set subscription is one month in arrears and has been notified by email to the member’s last known email address.

7. Finance

True accounts shall be kept of all monies received and expended by the Treasurer. A Balance of accounts shall be provided at the Annual General Meeting.

The Committee shall see fit to disperse Club funds to the benefit of the majority of members.

8. Dissolution

The Club shall be dissolved if:

I. A resolution to this effect is carried by a General Meeting, fourteen (14) days of notice of the proposed resolution having been given.

II. financial membership drops to seven or fewer members If, upon the dissolution of the Club, there remains, after satisfaction of all funds shall not be distributed or paid among the members of the Club but shall be transferred or given to some other Club or institution having objectives similar to those of the Club, to be determined by members of the Club at or before the time of dissolution.

9. Amendments

The constitution may be amended by a three-fifths majority at a General Meeting provided seven (7) days notice of the proposed amendment has been given to all members.

10. Interpretation

Any doubt arising as to the application or meaning of any clause shall be decided by the Committee whose decision will remain until altered by a vote of a General Meeting, whose decision shall then be final and conclusive.

11. Suspension and Expulsion

Any member may be expelled or suspended from membership at the discretion of the Committee if the majority of the Committee deems that a member’s conduct is incompatible with the objectives or interests of the Club. Such a member shall have the right to appeal to a General Meeting. Voting on this issue shall be by secret ballot both in the Committee and the General Meeting.

12. Copies of Constitution

The Secretary shall supply a copy of the constitution to any new or existing member upon request.

13. Liability

The club or any club member will not accept liability for any injury to any member or any damage to the property of any member resulting from his participation in the Club's activities.

14. Publicity

Members shall not communicate with the Press or Government Authorities with respect to Club matters except in the manner to be prescribed by the Committee.

15. Constitution History

This is an update of the original constitution dated 1 September 1965. Update 2.10 dated January 16 2008 was presented to the 2017 Annual General Meeting and passed subject to the amendments that formed this version 2.11.

Version V2.11 (Passed at AGM Dec 9, 2017) Document Timestamp 21/12/2017 1:22 AM