Frog Trip 2017

With “Frog season” in full swing, the BRC’s annual Frog weekend was held on 24 – 25 June 2017, including the mid-year dinner at Dugandan Pub on the Saturday night.

Frog Buttress lies on the north-west side of Mount French, near the town of Boonah, which is about 100km South West of Brisbane. Frog is one of Australia’s classic crags and is Queensland’s crack climbing ‘mecca’!

11 climbers from BRC attended the weekend and enjoyed many of the classic and challenging crack climbing that Frog has to offer. Once of our members even had her first crack climbing experience. Some of the favourite climbs that were ticked on the weekend were Gladiator, Elastic Rurp and Faki.

The weekend was a great success and the “fantastic parmys” at the pub were a big hit!