Arapiles 2017

Arapiles lived up to its reputation as Australia’s premier climbing destination when BRC headed to the well-known crag in north-west Victoria for two weeks of climbing in September/October.

Described as “the most loved and known, easily accessible quality crag in the land” (, Arapiles is mostly a trad climbing destination.

With over 2000 climbs within close proximity, Arapiles provided Club members with an abundance of beautiful routes, long lines and big jugs! Some of the favourite aspects of climbing at this destination were the great exposure, fantastic protection and wonderful company.

Favourable weather smiled upon the trip, affording climbers 8 days of climbing in a row. There was no shortage of memorable climbing experiences, with Watchtower Crack and Arachnus two of the notable favourites.

Arapiles is known as “the ideal place to become a more proficient trad climber” ( and this trip certainly provided the opportunity for some fantastic trad climbing. Congrats particularly to Peggy for her lead of Blockbuster, Saskia for her first lead climb on trad, Paul on Kachoong and Ken for onsighting Watchtower Crack.

As a rock climbing hub, you cannot go past the social aspect of climbing at Arapiles. BRC members enjoyed two 2 evenings at the pub during the trip, including a few stories from some of the locals.

As always, the BRC leaves Arapiles with a raft of wonderful memories, great achievements and the desire to go back again as soon as possible!